Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Be Prepared And Know Your Labels

Part of preparing is understanding and reading labels applied to everything we use and eat. Each product that is sold has some form of labelling indicating what the product is made from and where.
By educating yourself and becoming aware of what goes into our foods helps us to better understand and make the right choices into what and how we eat.

Moderation is always a key factor in how much of anything we do and or eat according to our own well being and good health. In regards to food, I am adamant and unyielding in having a knowledgeable repertoire of what exactly goes into the product and how it will affect my health.

It helps to know what aspartame is and what it's derived from. Sodium nitrite is another ingredient that I also try my best to avoid at all costs. These few key ingredients that companies use in their products are cancer causing agents. The new e-cigarette's being sold for $100 a pop, have not been approved by the FDA and contains a chemical ingredient they use in anti-freeze. The FDA is currently trying to find a way to take them off the market.

I have been an habitual label reader for many years, even my pet food is scrutinized. Ever since that pet food recall incident a couple years back, I became vigilant in what goes in their food. I found healthy recipes for pets that I could cook and serve them without feeling what they could succumb to, a painful prolonged way of dying.

I researched the top brands of pet foods and companies that sold them in the nation and found that there was only about ten or so of them worthy enough of my hard earned cash, worthy enough to give me a sense of peace of mind to my pets overall well being and health. The expense was well worth the price of avoiding endless vet visits of trying to repair a delicate and intricate animals digestive system. To see my pets suffer would only drain me in my pocket book and lose myself in sadness on so many levels, knowing that I could have prevented this harmful thing from the beginning.

These top brands are only located in specialty pet shops, you won't find them in your grocer, Sam's Club or nearest Costco's. Petco carries a few of them. I will list the brands and websites so you may research it in your own time. Here's a few I can think of off the top of my head.

The Blue Buffalo Company
Canidae all natural holistic dog food
California Natural
Old Mother Hubbard
Halo purely for pets

We can't possibly eliminate all harmful ingredients in our foods, mainly because the damage has already been done-so to speak. But what we can do is try to educate ourselves about the harmful effects of what is in our foods. And in knowing these important factors we have the amunnition to prevent certain diseases and outcomes. This is an aspect of physical preparedness.

This is why I always urge my family and friends to read the labels and get to know everything they can about all the ingredients. The government won't tell us these things nor will the companies. Fast food chains don't really want you to know, because that is how they make their money on fast food addiction.

I choose to prepare and make my own healthy meals.
I use a lot of natural herbs and spices for flavoring, a lot of vegetables have flavoring as well.
I try my best to insure what I make is as healthy as possible. That's the best we can do.
Once again, know your labels.

Monday, August 10, 2009

When You Least Expect It

Everyday people go about their lives tending to family matters, work issues, keeping informed with the unstable economy, governmental imbalances, global affairs and the mundane.

Who has the time to think about theft? Have you ever noticed when you least expect it, that's when it hits you? Maybe it already happened to you, maybe not or it might have happened to someone you know. Theft is like a disease, there is no cure for it. But even with the best preventative measures in place it still might not be enough.

Becoming aware of your environment would be an excellent place to start. Know your surrounding areas and places that you frequently visit. Get into the habit of automatically being on guard. People and businesses have been increasingly easy targets for criminal activity.
With job loss on the rise, taxes ballooning, and food prices soaring we all become vulnerable to some form of theft. There's no quick-fix solution to matters involving theft but there are extra precautions that may help alleviate this increasing disease.

For starters, never take anything for granted. Although some of you may live in a place that exhibits low crime rates, be on your guard and suspicious of people you never have seen before in your area. Alot of times criminals case places out before making a hit, they know your daily routines, when you are home or not. These very criminals do the exact same thing when it comes to businesses as well.

With the way our economy is heading, this is a good indication of things to come. This definitely is a reminder for preppers and survivalists to guard your posts at all times and hours if possible.

I need not explain to my fellow preppers the importance of checks and balances in our stocks and supplies because we all know too well that this will be one of our primary issues at hand WSHTF. Vigilance is the key. Learn to develop eagle eyes, the signs are all around us in constant rapport with our intuitive side. Tap into the brighter side of yourself and start to see things for what they are and what will become in the not to distant future.

Prepare yourself on all fronts of this thing that we call life. Turn the tables on an unsuspecting criminal and be two steps ahead of their game. Maybe they'll think before becoming a victim themselves when they least expect it.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Time to Prepare is Now

Everyone knows that the start of hurricane season begins June through November. With this in mind it is a good idea for all of us in hurricane prone areas to prepare. Always have your emergency kits available, get in the habit of inspecting and updating your kits periodically. Check for any items that have expired or items that need to be replaced or added. Have a good amount of cash on hand, in the event banks and ATM's are shutdown. Without electricity for long periods checks and credit cards will not be allowed.

Have a good amount of water stored for you and your family, pets are part of the family don't forget them as well. Keep a well stocked pantry of food supplies in canned goods, non-perishables, MRE's etc. Don't forget pet food. Make sure your pets have proper ID tags, a photo of them and updated records from your veterinarian visits, in the event that a pet is lost. Update your first-aide kit with medical supplies and medications that you and your family will need. Know where your nearest shelters are located and be aware of the routes you may have to take.

Batteries, keep a good supply of these on hand. I find that it is more prudent to have a variety of flashlights because you don't want to have a flashlight that only takes D battery. Reason being is that everyone else will be buying up that same size battery when disaster unfolds. Having varying sizes of flashlights allows you the freedom to be able to purchase several size batteries and not have to worry about ever running out in times of scarcity, which will probably happen if most relies on one type of battery.

Have a plan, in the event you and your family may be separated. Plan where to meet, have contact numbers of each others and keep a connected line to friends as well because you never know where you may end up in the event of natural disasters. Go over your emergency plans and practice them with family members. The time to prepare is now, not after a disaster hits.